Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just remember all caps when you speak the name

[10:13] ALLO Capital: HI
[10:13] Amanda Amaterasu: Hello
[10:13] ALLO Capital: SPANISH?
[10:14] Amanda Amaterasu: No, I'm American.
[10:14] ALLO Capital: OKI
[10:14] Amanda Amaterasu: Why are you typing in all caps?
[10:14] ALLO Capital: SEX YOU MI HAUSE?
[10:14] ALLO Capital: MU
[10:14] Amanda Amaterasu: Why are you typing in all caps?
[10:14] Amanda Amaterasu: That's been considered yelling on the internet since at least 1996.
[10:15] ALLO Capital: ?
[10:16] ALLO Capital: baby, do you come with me to my house¿?
[10:16] ALLO Capital: baby, do you come with me to my house¿?
[10:16] Amanda Amaterasu: My name isn't baby.
[10:16] ALLO Capital: AMANDLA baby, do you come with me to my house¿?
[10:16] Amanda Amaterasu: My name isn't Amandla, and I don't go places with people who yell
[10:17] ALLO Capital: OK
[10:17] ALLO Capital: BYE
[10:18] Amanda Amaterasu: Bye, and stop yelling at people.

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